Innovation by Nature
Welcome to arable farm NIVU. We are a modern and professional family-run farming company located in Oude-Tonge and Achthuizen in the Netherlands. NIVU is a close co-operation between two families: Van Nieuwenhuijzen (NI) and Van Vugt (VU). On 400 hectares ware potatoes, onions, sugar beet and cereals are grown. We work in harmony with nature, apply modern farming techniques and aim to reduce the gap between farmer and consumer.
Innovation by Nature
Welcome to arable farm NIVU. We are a modern and professional family-run farming company located in Oude-Tonge and Achthuizen in the Netherlands. NIVU is a close co-operation between two families: Van Nieuwenhuijzen (NI) and Van Vugt (VU). On 400 hectares ware potatoes, onions, sugar beet and cereals are grown. We work in harmony with nature, apply modern farming techniques and aim to reduce the gap between farmer and consumer.
Innovation by Nature
Welcome to arable farm NIVU. We are a modern and professional family-run farming company located in Oude-Tonge and Achthuizen in the Netherlands. NIVU is a close co-operation between two families: Van Nieuwenhuijzen (NI) and Van Vugt (VU). On 400 hectares ware potatoes, onions, sugar beet and cereals are grown. We work in harmony with nature, apply modern farming techniques and aim to reduce the gap between farmer and consumer.
Agriculture reinvented
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Onze projecten
On 400 hectares of fertile clay soils, located on the East side of the Goeree-Overflakkee island (in the South West of the Netherlands), NIVU grows ware potatoes, onions grown from sets, winter wheat and sugar beet. Soil types range from light and easy workable clay soils all the way to very heavy clays. All fields are optimally shaped which allows for efficient farming operations. There is enough fresh water available for irrigation. A relatively extensive cropping regime is used to give the soils plentiful rest and good management. In all crops NIVU uses precision agriculture. For example variable rate fertilisation and crop protection but also variable application when drilling and planting potatoes.
Product sales
NIVU uses various reliable partners for its product sales. The sugar beet are being processed by the co-operative Royal Cosun factory. Our wheat is delivered to CZAV. The onions are mainly being sold to PPA Group, Waterman Onions and Tuns Onions. Selling our Agria ware potatoes is done together with Galathea. This company specialises in selling this potato variety to various countries in Western and Southern Europe. In the near future it is our ambition to be able to grade and pack potatoes by ourselves.
Op 400 hectare vruchtbare kleigrond, gelegen in het oosten van eiland Goeree-Overflakkee (Zuid-Holland), worden door NIVU consumptieaardappelen, tweedejaars plantuien, wintertarwe en suikerbieten verbouwd. De grondsoort varieert van lichte tot zeer zware klei. Alle percelen zijn goed verkaveld zodat efficiënt gewerkt kan worden. Ook is voldoende zoet water beschikbaar voor beregenen. Er wordt gewerkt met een relatief extensief bouwplan om de grond voldoende rust te geven en om de bodem goed te beheren. In alle teelten maakt NIVU intensief gebruik van precisielandbouw. Bijvoorbeeld om plaats specifiek te bemesten, gewasbeschermingsmiddelen toe te dienen maar ook om variabel te kunnen zaaien, poten en planten.
NIVU heeft verschillende betrouwbare afzetpartners voor zijn producten. De suikerbieten worden verwerkt door de coöperatieve suikerproducent Royal Cosun. De tarwe wordt geleverd aan CZAV . Onze tweedejaars plantuien worden meestal geleverd, PPA Group aan Waterman Onions en Tuns Onions. Voor het vermarkten van onze Agria consumptieaardappelen wordt samengewerkt met Galathea. Dit bedrijf specialiseert zich in de verkoop van dit ras naar bestemmingen in West- en Zuid-Europa. In de nabije toekomst is het onze ambitie om zelf aardappelen te kunnen sorteren en verpakken.
Iedere aardappelen is traceerbaar van farm to fork. Benieuwd hoe we dat doen?
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NIVU location Achthuizen:
Nieuwe Bloksedijk 5
3256 LJ Achthuizen
NIVU location Oude-Tonge:
Heerendijk 29
3255 LE Oude-Tonge